
Showing posts from December, 2017

Digital Fatigue

Back in the 1970s I started to buy records. 45s, LPs, EPs.  I had a Dual 505 record deck and a NAD 3020 amp.  I used to really enjoy my music.  During the 80s the CD appeared.  I bought a Philips CD player in 1983 for about £400.  I upgraded my amp and speakers.  I purchased lots of CDs.  And although I listened to music a lot I found I couldn't spend much longer than a couple of hours in front of the hi-fi.  I couldn't put a finger on it.  A few years ago I resurrected my Pro-Ject 1 turntable.  I bought another new amp and some modern speakers.  I put a new cartridge on the turntable arm.  Wow!  Despite the odd pop and crackle music hadn't sounded this good for years.  I could play LPs all day and not get tired. I thought about this and came up with a theory - Digital fatigue.  Although digital recordings are improving all the time I still don't believe they can portray the full nuance of natural analog so...